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Solar Water Pump

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Solar Water Pump

Solar is more than just an environmentally friendly power source – it’s conventient, low-maintenace, and can get you off the grid even in the most remote areas.
Land users in remote areas often have two options: run an electric well pump using a distant grid, or use a fuel-powered pump to pump water from a pond or river.
When new power lines must be run, connecting to the grid can be costly, which then incurs recurring usage costs.
Likewise, gasoline or diesel powered pump units can be expensive, require constant refueling, and can be prohibitive to maintain.
With solar power, pumps become much easier to install, maintain and use, whether you are giving your garden a fountain or you want to power your irrigation system without increasing your electric bill.

Solar Water Pump Alternative

Solar water pumps can provide an economical and energy efficient solution for remote watering needs. With just a few simple components, solar pumps can be used in a variety of environments.
Here, we list the benefits of solar pumps, detail how these systems operate, and explore ideal situations for their application.
We compare the costs of connecting solar pumps to the grid and look at some real-world application case studies.

Benefits of Solar Water Pump